A New Level
Last evening I was drawn into a Facebook discussion. The discussion began after a friend shared my status post concerning how differently the presidents of Central and South America received the news that Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela had died, compared to the United States.
Someone posted that the reason the US Government didn’t like Chavez was because he wouldn’t accept “worthless” US dollars for oil.
Someone else responded to the “worthless” dollar post.
I suggested that while their discussion had merit, the issue of the United States rejection of the Bolivarian Revolution ran deeper than the relative value of the dollar.
My exact post was -
“…It's really deeper than that… The US cannot afford to let us know what is really happening in places like Venezuela because it would show us the way to reject and redesign the dysfunctional system under which we live.”
Both the “dollar” posters completely ignored the issue I was raising and incorporated my response into their much narrower discussion.
I continued to try to get the discussion on to deeper issues -
“…There is value in what you are discussing. But in the final analysis you are looking and discussing symptoms not the underlying problems. What you're trying to do is butterfly an arterial wound.”
I could not get them to step back and look deeper.
The discussion moved me to this final post -
“…Entrenched, worked and hobbled. If everyone you see is limping, everything must be fine. All you need is denial strong enough so you can no longer see those who walk upright, with no limp at all…”
I awoke this morning with Albert Einstein’s words running through my mind- the words that I incorporated into the wonderful picture by Street Art Utopia, that is at the head of this post.
"The problems we currently face can't be solved at the level of thinking that created them."
Nothing Quicksilver Times believes, supports, or does is more relevant than what this sentence tells us.
Before we even begin to look to the fundamental issues which we must address to create real change, we must find A New Level Of Thinking.
A New Level Of Thinking.
He taught that this new “S/He” create, and be created by, an Evolution of Consciousness and a Conscious Evolution.
He told us to watch for the signs.
If we look at what we are moving towards today, we can see the potential for change.
Conscious Evolution will require learning to think with a new panoptic perspective, permitting us to view all parts and elements of our moment. This will be a practical evolution. One brought about by our commitment to personal and World Community growth. It will come through the exercise of our expanding perspectives.
It begins with this moment. We can stand clear of the trench in which we have been hobbled. We can look outward, we can see. It’s not magic or beyond our reckoning.
And, We are not meant to do this Alone! -
The other half of the new equation, Evolution of Consciousness, can only be done together. As I grow, as I open, my connecting to you is as inevitable as breathing in after breathing out. Our paths to understanding and experiencing our unique, personal path reveal, and our growing recognition that while each of our paths is unique in the history of the universe, the transcendence we open to and recognize is One.
And as inevitable as our connection is, we have come to recognize that without this Evolution of Consciousness we cannot make real changes out here in the endlessly changing world.
Evolution of Consciousness, Conscious Evolution. One leads inevitably, dependent yet independently, to the other. Another in the endless repetitions and variations of duality.
And from that balance, in the experience of the light and the darkness, in that middle way, comes experience of transcendence.
Which we’ll talk about again. And again.
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