Well, There's Googley Plus, You Know
The issue, I think, is one of balance. fb seems an endless sludge of
contra-productive information. To find coherent, conscious,
meaningful communication your fb search, and patience, must be exemplary.
googley+, on the other hand, offers a safe medium in which to explore all
manner of valuable pursuits. But is the search for communication and
sharing that relates to looking at and becoming involved with real social,
political, economic, and spiritual change any more evident?
All the "smart folks" are here, bringing us intricate, focused insight into
science, technology, art, belly button spiritualism, and so much more.
But if all that information and sharing in the end allows us to maintain
our denial and not center our moment on the profound issues and solutions
accessible to us, then for all of our intellectual exercise, no matter how right
minded our intent, what little movement there is here on googley+ it's really
only babbling - just like the fb'ers
The inability to use the incredible power offered to us to communicate
freely and meaningfully through the explosion of technology and the
Internet will be the failure our grand kids look to when trying to understand
why we did not come together and look to the real issues.
I see it, and this makes me sad.
So here are three sites. Lets Talk?