Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Who the f**k does this Schaefer dude think he is? I mean, how smart is he?

 Relatively? Not very.

 He challenges everything - organized religion, capitalism, sexual mores, limitations of community, functioning (more or less) political systems. And more.

 So is he a mystic, a seer, a lettered comparative religion academician?


 An economist?


 Aside from being involved in a large number of sexual relationships over the last fifty-five years or so, is he a trained in psycho / social aspects of sexuality?


 Is he a Social or Political Scientist?


So is he just a fool? Does he just make ignorant, redundant claims? Do folks look away in embarrassment when they are confronted with his words?

 Maybe. Maybe he just isn’t smart enough to understand how irrelevant his words are.

OK. I’ll take that risk. I re-read the words. I watch the chaos unfold. The babble is way louder than my tinnitus. I hear the rhythms playing just below the din. I listen to my heart. And although sometimes I get insecure, feeling connected with love, but isolated, and hearing the unavoidable silence of “noresponse”, I want to scrunch down behind the couch like I did when the Big War was going on and I was too tiny to understand anything but the fear, and Adolph Hitler was my first Boogey Man.

I want to reach out for reassurance. I want to unveil I Ching, make one of my once a decade pilgrimages, asking for support but knowing the Oracle pays no mind to questions to which I already have the answers.

So maybe all these opening words are just self indulgence.

I say it all the time. Have been for a couple of decades. It’s not my responsibility to make anyone hear, my only responsibility is to listen, stretch, hear better, and share.

So here it is again.

All is cyclical, all is rhythm. You need to create the lead line.

We are in a new time. The old way is dying, convulsively. There is new a newly inscribed way to see yourself and reality. It begins with your heart. It extends all the way to the precise study of new physics, and the search for a Unified Theory. As Sri Auribindo predicted we are entering the time of Evolution of Consciousness and Conscious Evolution. And what begins in your heart is validated by the changes you will manifest in every aspect of your life, your moment, your world.

Understand. This is practical. This is as practical, must be as practical, as the need to breathe in after breathing out.

I spend so much time trying to draw attention to the dysfunction, in our personal moment, and in the moment of our planet, hoping that getting clear about how broken it all is will help us all to look deeper for fundamental issues, and then for real solutions. I know that if we do that, each of our paths will quickly turn inward toward our singularly unique moment. From that awakening will come balance, and real change. Without that attention nothing will improve, in our hearts, in our world.

It’s to this end that I point to symptoms, cajole, rattle cages, give vent to anger. And the silence I hear in response sometimes is co-equal with the babble.

So maybe I need to give equal time to the opposite end of the new equation.

In the denial which we’ve been co-opted into embracing we bury the crying of the heart. But most of us now, given our lives and our circumstances, know that something is missing. At the heart of our love, there is more. In the most precious of our moments we know there is more. What we crave is the transcendence which, being so modern and educated, we have thrown out with the bathwater of organized religion’s failure.

Back in the olden days of the eighties and nineties those of us in Sena Foundation would come together and sit in meditation. We sat to help ourselves deal with the grief each of us called to ourselves as we worked with dying folks and their families. It was a way to quiet our minds, to let go of the emotions that come with the grief, and to share. What we found was that, inevitably, we passed through the grief and what we edged up on was that cry of the heart which each of us felt. Opening to transcendence.

It was out of those experiences and the shared experiences that those dying folks drew us into that led to this new approach to spiritual life.

The new book, White Man Dancing – Grief, God, and a Unified Theory, is finished. Hopefully it will be published in the coming weeks. It speaks in detail of both ends of this equation – Seeing and addressing real issues in our personal lives and the life of our planet, and a personal, non-dogmatic approach to life of the spirit.

It occurs to me that we might also try a new approach to gathering together. The new Google+ Hangouts Online allow us to broadcast live on the internet. We might gather, sit together quietly, and then share questions about the issues we’re attempting to raise.

We have the power, if we have the attention.

Let Quicksilver Times know if you are interested.

